Lately I have been hearing about of self degradation from fellow females. Hearing this truly lights my fire in a bad way. I believe in keeping yourself healthy and eating right but I also believe in loving yourself. If you can't love yourself then how can anyone else love you? If anyone is lost this blog is about "Fat talk" the way women feel they must be a size 0. I'm a proud size 9, I embrace my curves and hips. Women must learn how to love their body. I don't care what size you all women are beautiful. Without us this world just wouldn't function right! People who judge by weight are only insecure about their own weight and life. If a man can not accept and love you then they are not "it". Go stand in the mirror and love your body for what it is and all it's flaws. Flaws are beautiful!
I may be the only one, but I love my stretch marks, they are a mark of my daughter. I've been having morning pep talks with my reflection!